Who doesn't want to encourage their children to read? And, what child is there that doesn't like to eat pizza?!
For years, some of our teachers have used Pizza Hut's "Book It" reading program to encourage the children in their classes to read. It's simple. The child reads; the child earns free Pizza Hut pizza. Great incentive! My own children, when they were younger, earned free pizza in this way!
On the Book It website it says:
BOOK IT! motivates children to read by rewarding their reading accomplishments with praise, recognition and pizza. The program is simple, flexible, fun and free to use in your classroom! BOOK IT! was created in 1984 and currently reaches more than 14 million students and 37,000 K-6 grade schools annually.
However, recently, the Book It program has begun to openly encourage elementary children to read books in support of the LGBTQ+ lifestyle. (As a result of this, we will no longer be using the Book It program at SCBA.)
In an email which I recently received from the Book It program, they included an Author Spotlight. They highlighted Rob Sanders, the author of Pride: The story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag. He shared:
I realized that while most of my students had probably seen a Pride Flag, none knew what it represented, who inspired it, or who designed it. I decided then and there to write that story.
When I read that, my mind immediately thought of the rainbow, that symbol which most of the world sees as a representation of the LGBTQ+ lifestyle. However, when I see a rainbow, I am immediately reminded of God.

In Genesis 9:8-17, God has just brought Noah and his family safely through the flood. And God makes a promise; He promises never to again destroy the world by a flood. As a sign of that promise, God set a rainbow in the sky. He then declares:
God has made a promise. And God never brakes His promises! (See 2 Peter 3:9.)
The world is seeking to indoctrinate our children! The world does not want your children to believe God nor to believe God's Word - the Bible. And, they're using pizza to do it!