Learn More About SCBA!
Contact us now to schedule your Educational Success Consultation!

Our Purpose
Using the tool of education, SCBA assists families as they:
Guide their children to establish a foundation of faith;
Form solid, Christ-like character; and
Develop their God-given abilities to serve Him!
What our parents are saying...
"[Our daughter's teacher] teaches her students beautiful godly songs that stick with them when they come home. She has a positive impact on her students, and she creates an atmosphere where the students enjoy going to school."
[Our son's teacher] is a patient listener. He has listened to concerns about our son and has been proactively doing his best to meet those needs.
I just wanted to say thank you for helping [our son] to become the fine young man that he is...SCBA helped him to grow a firm foundation in his life as a Believer and in building character as a young man.