2022 Spirit Week - March
Monday, March 28, - “Backwards Monday”
Wear your clothes backwards or inside out. (Students do not need to wear uniforms but must follow SCBA dress guidelines.)
Tuesday, March 29, - “Space Day!”
Dress up like an astronaut. (Ex: Build a space suit out of cardboard, foil, and duct tape.) The entire school will watch the Jr./Sr. High launch rockets.
Wednesday, March 30, - “Western Wednesday”
Grab a pair of jeans/jean skirt and a plaid shirt and dress like a cowboy/cowgirl!
Thursday, March 31, - “VIP Sports”
Wear sports gear or your favorite team jersey.
Friday, April 1, - “Field Trip to Riverbanks Zoo (K5-10th grades)”
Wear your new SCBA t-shirt! Denim skirts and jeans are allowed. (If you do not have a SCBA t-shirt, wear a uniform shirt.)
Penny Wars
Monday-Wednesday, students should bring pennies to add points to their class. They can bring in silver coins to subtract points from other classes.
Every penny that your child brings in is worth 2 points for their class.
Every nickel that your child brings in can be used to subtract 5 points from another class. (Dimes subtract 10 points; Quarters subtract 25 points)
Dollar Day – Thursday, students should bring in dollar bills. (Or five-dollar bills. Or ten-dollar bills. Or…We think you get the idea!) Multiply the bill's denomination by 100 and that is how many points will be added to your child's class.
Bake Sale
Get your ovens hot! Mom & Dad, we need your help! If you can send in baked goods for our bake sale email Mrs. Andrea Peterson at spetersonfamily@att.net. Baked goods may be store-bought or homemade and need to be individually wrapped. Items containing peanuts must be clearly marked! Students can purchase baked goods each day, during the week for $0.50.

The funds collected during this week will go to provide the prizes for the top 3 winning classes. Any excess funds will be put toward replacing/upgrading the two wooden swing sets on the elementary playground.